Wednesday, June 21, 2006


It's taken Nicky as long time to learn to kiss but now he's gotten the hang of it. After nap today he had a nasty diaper and some diaper rash. He looked about to cry so I kissed him on the forehead. Then he kissed me back on the cheek and several more times. It was so cute. Now if he'd just say mama with some regularity (he says Dada all the time).

Friday, June 16, 2006


When DH first saw this:

He said "nice" and he wasn't talking about the pattern. Don't think I look as good but it's finished. I had a heck of a time getting gauge and when I did the fabric didn't drape. So, it was knit using the number of stitches for the x-small but medium dimensions for everything else.

Yarn: Berroco Denim Silk, Stone washed (1413)

Pattern: Trish from Berroco book #215

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Have you ever noticed when you buy a new car, suddenly ever other car on the road is the same mak & model? My youngest was born with Down Syndrome. Now it seems not a week goes by that we are out somewhere and see another child or adult with DS. I'm sure they were there before but we never paid attention. For the most part it is encouraging to see these individuals and their families. This was especially important after our son was born. Proof, more or less, that life would go on. It's still encouraging but sometimes it's discouraging. And it's not necessarily the "lower functioning" ones that bother me. Sometimes I see someone functioning well and wonder if son will ever get there. There is so much pressure on a parent for a child to do well and with a child with a disability it seems to be so much more with more at stake. Sometimes it's enough just to have a happy healthy child sometimes it's not.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

First Post

This is my first attempt at a blog. I've been reading blogs for about six months now and am itching to start. Anne's Originals is the name of a my home knitting business, but it probably applies better to my three kids, they are truly original. I'll blog about my kids, my knitting and life in general.