Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What a busy day...
  • Did four loads of laundry, folded and put away.
  • K took Nate to the Lego store to use a gift certificate from LAST Christmas. He bought a small Star Wars ship, a small Mars Mission ship, a large grey baseplate, and a small pick-a-brick. Took him nearly an hour to pick it all out. He's a careful shopper when he's using his own or gift money.
  • I took M.E. to REI to look for a jacket. Ended up with a North Face furry fleece. "Everyone" has North Face. Nick crawled in a tent and wouldn't come out. He was also kept escaping every time I turned my back, fortunately, he's not quiet and I could find him pretty quickly.
  • Baked cornbread and pumpkin muffins.
  • Made sweet potato casserole and squash delight casserole.
  • Made Shrimp & Hot Root Soup and the Abbots Special Abbey Trifle from the Redwall cookbook. The custard for the trifle didn't set up. Not sure what went wrong. The custard had some solid chunks in it that I pushed through the strainer. Oh well, we have vanilla & raspberry soup in a lady finger bowl.
  • Baked pumpkin and apple pies, they look great.
  • Not sure how I'll transport all of this. But, I sure won't have to do too much cooking tomorrow.
  • Nick, after watching a Bob-the-Builder episode where Loft falls off a bridge, kept racing into the kitchen with his toy shopping cart. Tipping it over saying "Oh no, what a mess." Coming up to me, telling me "Heavy, help, what to do?" And then I'd help him turn it upright. After about the 20th time M.E. was fed up and would upright it before he could. Nick would give her an evil, eye race out of the kitchen and then come back in again, until she was tired of it.
  • Just turned out the lights on two readers, was told I was so mean because their books are so good.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Phew. Made me tired just to read this! I'm glad for a respite between holidays!